Airport fees

Airport Fees

The Fees Department issues the invoices for aeronautical fees at Nice Côte d’Azur Airport. A team of seven people is available to process all of your requests, whoever you are - airline, ground assistant or private individual.

Documents required by the Fees Department:

  •  Air Operator's Certificate, in the absence of which flights will systematically be charged under the private flights regime.
  • Noise certificate, in the absence of which invoicing will be based on the heaviest weight and highest noise category for the aircraft type (order dated 26/02/2009).
  • All documents certifying a change of weight must be accompanied by the appropriate noise certificate.
  • Certificate of airworthiness, in which the weight is specified VAT number, in the absence of which VAT will be added to the invoice.

 No backdated credit will be granted relating to information missing when the invoice was issued (please see the tariff brochure).

Slot coordination or schedules facilitation service fee for airports

According to the Decree n° 2017-60 of January 23, 2017 introducing a new regulatory framework in order to finance by a slot coordination or schedules facilitation fee the services provided by the appointed airport coordinator on French coordinated and schedules facilitated airports, a coordination fee is collected by Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur in the name and on behalf of COHOR association. As per July 1st, 2017, this coordination fee is collected from aircraft operators for each landing at Nice-Côte d’Azur Airport.

More information on the regulatory measures introducing the coordination fee available at:



Charges 2024 applicable from 1/01/2024

ANCA Various Fees Brochure applicable from 1 January 2024
Domanial charges applicable from 1/01/2024


Airport public services charges applicable from 1st November 2024 - pending approval
Estate public services charges applicable from 1st November 2024 - pending approval


approved charges, applicable from 1 November 2023


 approved charges, applicable from 1 November 2023
 state-approved charges, applicable from 1 November 2023
Airport public services charges applicable from 1st november 2023

Charges 2022 applicable from 11/01/2022

Airport public services charges applicable from  11/01/2022

Estate public service charges applicable from  11/01/2022

Charges for Assistance to Persons with Reduced Mobility
- Approved rates

Airport public services charges applicable from 11/01/2022


Industrial service fees

Industrial service fees